Perhaps your garden doesn’t include vine-ripened tomatoes and mouth-watering sweet corn or zucchini but, with the advanced Prescription Soil Analysis and the easy-to-follow Recommendations, it could. Understanding and improving your soil is important for flowers, ground covers, and shrubs.
Anything that grows needs three things, all of which relate to the soil. Nutrients – not just nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium (NPK), but secondary, micro-nutrients and trace elements.
Biology – the life in the soil. From invisible microbes to fat earthworms, biology performs so many important roles in the soil that contribute to plant vitality.
Soil Condition – It is difficult to grow crops in either very hard or very sandy soil. Conditioning the soil for increased plant health and productivity is easy to do.
Step One – What’s in the Soil?

Any good plan begins by knowing your starting point. With plants, the starting point is a comprehensive soil test.
Standard extension service or university soil tests usually only test and make recommendations for nutrients. They do not include either biology or soil condition. So, they leave out critically important information. Plus, they usually only deal with the primary and a few secondary nutrients, leaving out other critically important nutritional components.

Prescription Soil Analysis includes 19 different data points, providing information on all three essential soil sciences, nutrition, biology, and soil condition.
Step Two – the Recommendations
With 30 years of research and fine-tuning, the Recommendations is where all of the information comes together in an easy-to-understand summary and step-by-step instructions, providing your gardens a pathway to greater vitality and bountiful harvests. Click the button to see examples. (Examples of vegetable garden and roses)
Ready to begin?
Click on the Soil Profiler to order your Prescription Soil Analysis