Plants Can Only Be as Healthy as The Soil In Which They Grow
It’s been reported that 75-80% of all plant health issues can actually be traced back to poor soil. That includes diseases, insects, nutrition deficiencies, poor color or growth and many others.
All Soil Tests are Not Created Equal
Nearly 100% of all soil testing labs use methodologies developed for agricultural soils and crops.
Unfortunately, that is not very helpful for your turf or ornamentals.

These conditions cannot be determined accurately unless a comprehensive soil test is taken.
The soil test will determine what unhealthy conditions exist and what corrective actions are required. If corrections are not made:
Thatch, weed, insect, and disease problems will inevitably develop resulting in additional chemical usage, mechanical intervention, and unnecessary costs.
Trees & Shrubs
Fewer/smaller blossoms, reduced leaf size and vigor, slower growth, persistent insect issues, and a greater likelihood for disease attacks.
More expense due to increased N-P-K demands, greater likelihood of disease & insect issues, less drought tolerance and lower yields with reduced crop nutrient values.
Whether flowers or vegetables, quantity, quality, shelf life, and, in the case of food crops, nutritional content are all impacted by poor soil quality and nutrient imbalance.

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Ready to start Soil Testing?
Click the link or call Keith at (800) 645-6464